5 Signs You Should Implement Rotating Schedules

by Katie Sawyer, 4 minutes read
HOME blog signs you should implement rotating schedules

The mode of work and staffing has significantly changed. Getting your scheduling right is critical, regardless of the business you operate. It boosts your productivity and helps you gain a competitive advantage.

So where does a rotating schedule fit in?

A rotating schedule is when employees are scheduled to work on shifts whose timelines change from time to time. In rotating shifts, employees work on different time cycles, alternating with others.

For example, Group A works from 6 am to 2 pm, and Group B works from 2 pm to 10 pm. In a rotating schedule, Group A moves to 2 pm to 10 pm, with Group B checking in at 6 am. This cycle can change after either a day, weeks or even months.

Read on for five signs you should implement rotating shift schedules at your work.

1. Reduced employee motivation

Your staff are the lifeblood of your business. And you need to be in tune with how they’re feeling. Have you recently noticed low drive or poor moods among your employees? If yes, rotating shift schedules can help boost that low motivation and create a fair working environment for your team.

  • Focus on your staff’s happiness. Not all workers fancy the 8-4 schedule. Your staff might need to help their kids with school or work shifts at another job. Rotating schedules gives them the opportunity to work around their personal schedules.

  • Build team morale. Rotating shifts allow employees to know other team members, not just those on their shift.

  • Support equal opportunity for tips. Some people on your team are counting on tips to help them pay their bills or pay for their extra food deliveries. Unequal shifts deny some employees the chance to get tips. If your business attracts tips, create rotating shift schedules to create equal opportunities.

2. Problems giving employees time off

How difficult is it to allocate off days? When everyone works the same time, all the time, you might have issues when multiple people request leave.

Thankfully, rotating shift schedules can alleviate some of that pressure. Here are just a few ways that rotating schedules can help streamline leave management for your team.

  • Equal opportunity for off-work hours. Balancing work schedules allows all employees equal time to enjoy similar off-work hours with others. Now you’ll be able to manage all of your kitchen staff’s requests — and still have a full staff on hand.

  • Equal distribution of preferred shifts. Different employees have preferred working hours, as well as unsuitable ones. A rotating schedule provides a balance between favorite working hours and the least comfortable ones.

  • Give off during less demanding hours. A rotating schedule allows you to concentrate more effort and talent during peak hours. You can have fewer employees when there are fewer challenging tasks. By implementing a rotating shift schedule, allowing employee off-days becomes an effortless task.

3. The word “flexibility” keeps coming up

As regulations continue to change, and your business tries to keep up, flexibility is more important than ever. Rotating shifts provide both you and your employees the flexibility to adjust to changing demands. Here’s how.

  • Fill open gaps in your workforce. When an employee needs time off, finding someone else to fill in becomes easy. Your employees can make room for other critical activities without interrupting workflow. You can even let your staff swap shifts with others in their group.

  • Make auto scheduling easy. You can easily create templates so you don’t have to manually create schedules. Rotating shifts, when templetaized, are a breeze to coordinate.

  • Help support a healthy workplace. From face masks to sanitizing stations, businesses are upping their health protocols. Rotating schedules give you the flexibility to create a healthy working environment for both your staff and your customers.

4. Your newer staff can use a little extra help

Experienced employees are a powerful resource for any company. However, this experience should pass from one team to another to boost productivity and ensure skill continuity. Scheduling new employees alongside pros helps them gain valuable experience.

  • Spread your talent around. You can rotate employees to have diverse talents during each shift.

  • Onboard your staff easier. Rotating employees in shifts gives them the chance to understand how the company runs at all times. This is important for new employees who are yet to understand various operations.

  • Align your business operations. With a rotating shift schedule, your staff will have more insight into any updated processes or information.

5. You’ve seen productivity dip

In 2020, everyone has been stretched thin. At times, it’s hard to stay motivated. In addition to that, your team just might not be as productive as they had been previously. If you’re experiencing low output and higher turnover, it’s time to think of rotating shifts. Rotational shifts encourage more accountability and focus.

  • Compare productivity between different groups. Unlike a single schedule, rotating shifts allow you to compare productivity among various teams. It’s easier to detect the best performers, demand signals, and areas that need improvement.

  • Support your around-the-clock operation. With rotating shifts, you can better manage always-on coverage. Those shifts eliminate the lags that come with fixed schedules.

  • Give employees more rest. Fatigue and lack of sleep can be detrimental to your employees’ performance. With rotating schedules, they can still work a regular schedule — and re-energize between shifts

Enhancing your work schedule

It’s up to you to adjust to the new normal. So what are some of the biggest challenges

you’ll face when getting your business and staff ready to return to work — and what are some tips for overcoming them?

Make managing your rotating schedule easier with tips from New Ways of Working: How the Hourly Workforce is Changing.

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