Introducing Video Support for News Feed

by Deepesh Banerji, 1 minute read
HOME blog introducing video support for news feed

At Deputy, our mission is to empower the global workforce. We recognize COVID-19 is rapidly changing circumstances for business owners.

Deputy’s News feed has been a critical company communication tool for thousands of customers and today this is more important than ever.

Today, we’re announcing the ability to post video files to News feed in addition to documents.

The ability to post videos on News feed gives you a new way to communicate with your team.

Not sure when you should use videos? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Company updates and announcements

  • Permanent or temporary protocols, like regulations related to COVID-19

  • Training and how-to videos

  • New staff introductions

In addition to uploading your own video files (supporting MOV and MP4) of up to 100Mb, you can also post YouTube and Vimeo video links.

Both video upload and playback work on the latest version of our Deputy Web, Apple, and Android apps (you may need to update your app to access this feature). Although Kiosk users can’t upload videos, they can still play videos. Get started today.