Improving the Candidate Experience with Deputy

by Isioma Daniel, 5 minutes read
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At Deputy, our mission is to help shift-based businesses thrive. Shift-based companies often face unique challenges in recruitment and employee management, and traditional hiring and scheduling processes simply aren’t efficient enough.

Deputy can dramatically transform this landscape. Let’s dive into how Deputy's robust tools are enhancing the recruitment process and overall candidate experience. 

Challenges in Shift-Based Recruitment

Shift-based businesses face unique challenges in recruitment. According to recent data from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), it now takes employers an average of 44 days to fill open positions. This extended hiring timeline can be particularly problematic for shift-based businesses that need to fill roles to maintain operational efficiency quickly.

Also, as reported by Forbes and TestGorilla, 76% of employers are now using skills-based hiring to find new talent. This trend highlights the increasing importance of job-specific skills in the recruitment process, a factor that’s especially critical in shift-based workplaces where diverse roles require a wide range of skills. 

In addition, the conventional hiring process, laden with paperwork and delays, often needs to catch up with the high demand for staff. As a result, the candidate experience can suffer, potentially impacting a company’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

Candidates often feel lost in the shuffle, and employers need help streamlining the journey from application to the first shift. This is where Deputy can offer efficiency, addressing these challenges head-on. 

Introducing Deputy HR: A Game-Changer for Shift-Based Recruitment

Deputy offers a suite of innovative HR capabilities designed to address the unique challenges of shift-based recruitment. Businesses can significantly enhance the candidate experience and streamline their recruitment operations by leveraging these features.

  1. Personalised Career Hub and Job Ads: Generic job postings can get lost in the noise. Deputy allows businesses to create personalised career hubs and craft compelling ads that reflect the company culture and skills requirements and resonate with suitable candidates. This attracts quality candidates and gives them a clear understanding of what to expect, setting the stage for a positive candidate experience.

  2. AI-Powered Job Descriptions: Crafting compelling job descriptions is time-consuming. Why waste hours writing job ads when Deputy’s AI can take the guesswork out and create eye-catching job descriptions in seconds? Our AI takes your job title, employment type, pay, skills requirements and location and creates a suitable job description.

  3. Streamlined Applicant Management: Managing a flood of applications can be challenging, right? Well, Deputy's robust applicant management system efficiently organises and tracks all applications, making it easy for businesses to manage candidates throughout the recruitment process. This streamlined approach reduces administrative burden and ensures a smooth, efficient candidate experience. Organise, review, and communicate seamlessly to move swiftly to the next hiring stages.

  4. Completely Paperless Onboarding: Paperwork delays onboarding - period. With Deputy, businesses can transition to a completely paperless onboarding process. Digital onboarding reduces administrative tasks and provides new hires with a seamless onboarding experience, from hire to first shift.

  5. Secure Document Management: Document chaos and security concerns create delay and risk. Deputy's secure document management feature ensures that all necessary documents are safely stored and easily accessible, giving you peace of mind. Our document management system eliminates the hassle of paperwork for the business and the candidate, further enhancing the candidate experience by fostering trust with your candidates. 

For businesses looking to introduce digital workforce management to their shift operations for the first time, Deputy also has a lot to offer - particularly once your candidates become staff. 

  1. Keep employee morale high from day one: At Deputy, we firmly believe that happy employees are the key to delivering exceptional customer service. Cultivating a great workplace culture requires empowering team members with the autonomy to swap shifts, request leave through our mobile app, and celebrate team milestones using Deputy Newsfeed. Building trust is crucial for team morale, and our time tracking and compliance tools make it easier to ensure that employees are fairly compensated for their exact work hours come payday. 

  2. Be the employer of choice: Nothing empowers employees more than feeling heard. With our Employee Engagement feature, Shift Pulse™, team members can provide constructive feedback about their shifts, enabling managers to continuously process and create a workplace that people love. Additionally, our user-friendly dashboards help managers support their teams by tracking their sentiments and emotions.

  3. Foster growth and thrive: Deputy offers detailed reporting that helps you efficiently schedule staff to meet demand while identifying areas where you might be overspending on labour, ensuring healthy profitability year-round. By improving your bottom line, you can scale your business, expand your team, and continue growing. Being a business owner and team manager has never been more exciting. With the advent of digital operations, you can manage your business effortlessly from your mobile device, no matter where you are. 

Seamless Experience from Hire to First Shift

Deputy provides candidates with a smooth, integrated experience from the initial application to their first shift. This seamless experience can significantly improve a candidate's perception of the company, contributing to a positive employer brand.

By leveraging technology, businesses can automate and simplify the candidate experience, making it more efficient and enjoyable for all parties involved. From online applications to — Deputy allows for a seamless and convenient process from start to finish. This not only improves the candidate experience but also saves valuable time and resources for the business. 

How Deputy Transformed the Candidate Experience for Two Shift-based Businesses

Deputy Onboarding streamlines the onboarding process, reducing paperwork and enhancing the new hire process. “I’ve been using Deputy Onboarding for some time now. It’s a handy feature. It saves me time and money,” says Mary Birks, HR Manager at MPK Garages

Automating paperwork and compliance processes can help ensure you meet all onboarding requirements promptly and efficiently. Automation can save time, reduce errors, and reduce administrative burden. “Onboarding used to take us at least a week for each new starter, which could delay them getting paid. With Deputy, you can get through all the onboarding paperwork on Tuesday and include them on the pay run the next day,” says Simon Fox, General Manager, Operations, The Boathouse Group

How Deputy Transformed the Candidate Experience for Three Candidates

We’ve spoken to candidates who’ve used Deputy HR, and here’s what they have to say:

“I enjoyed the video application, as I felt like I had the opportunity to connect with the audience and show my true self beyond the words on my CV!” - Gelato Scooper, Piccolina Gelateria.

“Incredibly easy process”- Food Server, Adventure Park Geelong.

“Deputy HR was very easy to access, and the instructions for applying for a job were very clear” - Floor Server, Boathouse Group. 

How can you try Deputy HR?

New Customers

Let Deputy help you build connected, empowered teams — so your business thrives. Start a free trial today, or contact our sales team for a chat.

Existing Customers

The new Deputy HR is an add-on that goes hand in hand with Deputy’s scheduling and time tracking features. Try Deputy HR for free for 30 days and give you and your team a seamless, world-class experience from hiring and onboarding to scheduling and timesheets, all in one place.

If you’re ready to turn it on, System Administrators can subscribe to Deputy HR via our New Hire Onboarding page in the People tab.